Our Services

At Boulder, we care for people with substance use disorders (SUD) — specifically opioid use disorder (OUD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) grounded in kindness, respect, and unconditional support.

Comprehensive online care for people with addiction

As a Boulder patient, you get access to all of our clinical and support services at no extra cost. This means you get the treatment you need, whenever you need it.

Clinical Services

Our expert clinicians treat the whole you

We offer whole-person, coordinated outpatient care. Our clinicians have backgrounds in family medicine and psychiatry, so the same people you see for your addiction care can also take care of many of your medical needs — mental and physical.

Medications for addiction treatment

We prescribe FDA approved medicines, including Suboxone, to treat your SUD. Medication for Addiction Treatment (MAT) is the gold standard of care.

MAT is very effective at reducing symptoms, like cravings and withdrawal, and is linked to long-term success and well-being.

An evidence-based, MAT path to recovery can help you achieve your health goals.

Treatment beyond
your SUD

Our clinicians can diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication for various medical needs in addition to addiction care, including antidepressant and antianxiety medications, birth control, and many others.

If you’ve got a medical concern, we’re here to help.

Coordinated, streamlined care

Our clinicians work together with your entire Boulder care team to help you reach your health and life goals. We also coordinate with other providers to streamline your care, and can join visits virtually or make referrals to trusted providers.

Our goal is to make sure your whole team is on the same page.

A woman holding her baby while smiling, sitting next to a window.

When Erica learned she was pregnant, she worried about the impact of her addiction medication.

With Erica’s permission, her Boulder clinician worked with her OB/GYN on a care plan that safely continued her buprenorphine treatment, ensuring a healthy mother and child and rooted in what mattered most to Erica.

While working on reducing his opioid use, Danny finds out he has been diagnosed with Hepatitis C.

Danny’s Boulder clinician helps him start treatment and walks him through what to expect without judgment, while his Boulder Peer recommends a local safe syringe program to prevent future infection - helping Danny set new health and safety goals that work for him.

Sam wasn’t allowed to enter detox for alcohol because she’s also taking medication for opioids.

Joining Boulder, Sam worked with her clinician to focus on her goal of drinking less while maintaining her MAT program for her OUD. Sam’s clinician prescribed the right medications to treat her co-occurring conditions, so Sam could achieve her health goals on terms that worked for her.

Recovery SUpport Services

We provide support that goes beyond medicine

At Boulder, our care team also provides non-clinical services that give you support and community when you need them, and ensure you're able to focus on what matters most — your health and safety.

Peer support

Peer Recovery Specialists are here to listen, support, and guide you based on your own standards for safety. They don’t make rules or tell you what to do.

Set life goals that matter to you, track your progress, learn tactics to make lasting change, and find your community with a certified Peer Recovery Specialist who has experience with SUD themselves.

Your peer’s door is always open.

Social services support

We help you find the resources you need — whether it's finding safe housing, connecting with legal or employment assistance, or even help getting a phone if you need one.

We partner with jails, emergency departments, safe-use spaces, needle exchanges, housing services, and more.

We use our expertise in navigating complicated resources so you don't have to.

Complete care management

Our Care Advocates and Case Managers will work with you to tackle whatever stands in your way — from pharmacy paperwork to insurance issues to life logistics — so you can focus on what’s most important: your recovery.

Care Advocates and Case Managers are local to areas we serve and are familiar with the unique issues people face in your area.

Let us sweat the details for you.

Jamie was discharged from in-patient addiction care due to the results of a random drug test.

Jamie was welcomed into Boulder, where they learned that returning to use is a common part of a recovery journey – not a failure. Working with their Peer Recovery Specialist, Jamie set an initial goal to reduce drug use and use more safely. Now, they say that feeling unconditionally supported made all the difference.

Mel didn’t want to risk losing her full-time job to undergo treatment for opioid use.

Enrolling with Boulder allowed Mel to get care privately at home after her kids went to bed, without requiring a single day off from work. Mel met with her Peer Recovery Specialist regularly over her lunch break, setting goals around achieving a promotion at work and alleviating anxiety through mindfulness. Mel loves that at Boulder, she could focus on her health and life goals together.

Kevin was turned away by his pharmacy when he tried to fill his prescription for Suboxone.

Kevin alerted his Care Advocate with the press of a button on Boulder’s mobile app – and she immediately coordinated with his insurance carrier and the pharmacist to get his medication released. Kevin’s Care Advocate also took proactive steps behind the scenes to ensure he wouldn’t encounter this issue again.

The Boulder App

All through our private, convenient app

Chat with your team
On-demand video visits
Access educational resources
Receive daily inspiration
Track your progress
Convenient. Customized. Compassionate.

We’re your care team in your pocket.
There when you need us, cheering you on when you don’t.

Getting started is simple

We'll get you the care you need ASAP. Find out if you're eligible and enroll:

Get Started
this is the best place I have ever been to for treatment

Lisa W.

Google Play Store
You will NEVER regret making the choice to sign up with Boulder care. They literally make the whole process easy. The medical team are happy to work with you. Happy to help you. Happy and eager to resolve ANY issues. They have never made me feel judge. NEVER. like I said. Give it shot, I can promise you, you won't regret it!!!!!!

Brooke J.

Google Play Store
love love love this program and all of the practitioners. so supportive, encouraging and caring

Zollie R.

Google Play Store
boulder is perfect for me . So convenient. the care team are all so nice and understanding and really seem to care. any time I've had any issues with the pharmacy they immediately dealt with it . and have also been available when I just needed someone to talk to. I feel like a priority, boulder care makes me feel like I matter.

Yolanda B.

Google Play Store
I love this Suboxone clinic! This is what REAL addiction medicine looks like.. Forget dealing with in person clinics and the drama that goes along with those! The Boulder team rocks!

Leah F.

Google Play Store
Making the switch to Boulder Care has been one of the best decisions I've made in a really long time. If you're currently receiving MAT or suffering through any substance abuse issues, do yourself & everyone who cares about you a favor & at least check Boulder Care out. You won't regret it. You have nothing to lose & your whole life to gain! my only regret is not finding them & making the switch sooner.

Tami T.

Google Play Store
Boulder has been so supportive and essential essential in my journey to recovery. The staff has been nothing but supportive in every way and encouraging and respectful and just extremely nice. I am forever grateful for this program and everyone at boulder.

Leah D.

Google Play Store
Doctor day don't have to be a chaotic and worrisome experience anymore. Boulder care is more like a good friend than the parole office that most doctors feel like.

Eddie M.

Google Play Store
Boulder care is great it makes it so you can get a job and not have to worry about group and U.A. line love it here I have been sober 11 months ty Boulder care

Jon P.

Google Play Store
Amazing company I've had nothing but good experiences with everyone Ive talked to. I can't recommend them enough they're the best.

Jenny B.

Google Play Store